
OMB Releases Implementation Guidance Following President … – The White House (.gov)

The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 This week, President Biden signed a landmark Executive Order

OMB Releases Implementation Guidance Following President … – The White House (.gov)

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
This week, President Biden signed a landmark Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. As the United States takes action to realize the tremendous promise of AI while managing its risks, the federal government will lead by example and provide a model for the responsible use of the technology. As part of this commitment, today, ahead of the UK Safety Summit, Vice President Harris will announce that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is releasing for comment a new draft policy on Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence. This guidance would establish AI governance structures in federal agencies, advance responsible AI innovation, increase transparency, protect federal workers, and manage risks from government uses of AI.
Every day, the federal government makes decisions and takes actions that have profound impacts on the lives of Americans. Federal agencies have a distinct responsibility to identify and manage AI risks because of the role they play in our society. OMB’s proposed guidance builds on the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights and the AI Risk Management Framework by mandating a set of minimum evaluation, monitoring, and risk mitigation practices derived from these frameworks and tailoring them to context of the federal government. In particular, the guidance provides direction to agencies across three pillars:
Strengthening AI Governance
To improve coordination, oversight, and leadership for AI, the draft guidance would direct federal departments and agencies to:
Advancing Responsible AI Innovation
To expand and improve the responsible application of AI to the agency’s mission, the draft guidance would direct federal agencies to:
Managing Risks from the Use of AI
To ensure that agencies establish safeguards for safety- and rights-impacting uses of AI and provide transparency to the public, the draft guidance would:
AI is already helping the government better serve the American people, including by improving health outcomes, addressing climate change, and protecting federal agencies from cyber threats. In 2023, federal agencies identified over 700 ways they use AI to advance their missions, and this number is only likely to grow. When AI is used in agency functions, the public deserves assurance that the government will respect their rights and protect their safety.
Some examples of where AI has already been successfully deployed by the Federal government include:
The draft guidance takes a risk-based approach to managing AI harms to avoid unnecessary barriers to government innovation while ensuring that in higher-risk contexts, agencies follow a set of practices to strengthen protections for the public. AI is increasingly common in modern life, and not all uses of AI are equally risky. Many are benign, such as auto-correcting text messages and noise-cancelling headphones. By prioritizing safeguards for AI systems that pose risks to the rights and safety of the public—safeguards like AI impact assessments, real-world testing, independent evaluations, and public notification and consultation—the guidance would focus resources and attention on concrete harms, without imposing undue barriers to AI innovation.
This announcement is the latest step by the Biden-Harris Administration to advance the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI, and it is a major milestone for implementing President Biden’s AI Executive Order. The proposed guidance would establish the specific leadership, milestones, and transparency mechanisms to drive and track implementation of these practices. With the current rapid pace of technological development, bold leadership in AI is needed. With this draft guidance, the government is demonstrating that it can lead in AI and ensure that the technology benefits all.
Make your voice heard
To help ensure public trust in the applications of AI, OMB is soliciting public comment on the draft guidance until December 5th, 2023.
Learn more
Read the draft guidance:
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See the full scope of AI actions from the Biden-Harris Administration:
Quick guide on submitting public comments: Link to PDF
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The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500


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