
Packaging & Dielines: a Free Resource –

by Andrew Gibbs on 11/11/2014 | 1 Minute Read As packaging design continues to grow as a discipline and

Packaging & Dielines: a Free Resource –

by Andrew Gibbs on 11/11/2014 | 1 Minute Read
As packaging design continues to grow as a discipline and a community, Design Packaging’s ideology of idea-sharing led to creating their first e-book containing some of their more popular structural designs, as well as tried and true standards. For students and professionals alike, this free, easy-to-use e-book can be imported into Adobe Illustrator to scale, edit, design, and print. 
Each vector dieline comes with photos, a brief description, and basic design guidelines to illustrate the structure and become a quick reference for packaging designers. 
We hope you enjoy this free book and are able to share the inspiration you find within it’s pages!
– Design Packaging Inc. & The Dieline – DOWNLOAD HERE
Design Packaging’s free-to-download e-book, Packaging & Dielines, contains a collection of editable vector packaging dielines that are ready to use, build upon, and share.
Andrew Gibbs has been called an “innovator in the world of design” as the founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Dieline, founded in 2007. Andrew started Dieline Awards in 2009 to formally recognize the world’s best consumer product packaging design. The awards competition was recognized as a “global phenomenon” in its first year. In 2010, he founded Dieline Conference, an annual conference for creative professionals in the packaging design and branding industry. He now serves as Creative Director and Programming Partner for HOW Design Live, one of the largest annual gatherings of creatives in the world. In 2014, he became a faculty member at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, CA teaching Packaging Design. Andrew was previously named the Editor-in-Chief of HOW Design Magazine in 2015, making him the youngest editor of a design magazine ever. In 2018, Andrew became a Climate Reality Leader after training under Al Gore at the 2018 Climate Reality Corps. He joined A Plastic Planet, a U.K. based non-profit that is dedicated to dramatically reducing the amount of single use plastic used in the packaging industry. Andrew speaks and consults worldwide on the topics of packaging design and sustainable packaging.


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